I loved working with chiffon which was surprising as it's very difficult to manipulate. I liked how it had a mind of its own when I tried to recreate the paper shapes and provided what I find to be more beautiful features.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
3rd shape
I liked working with this shape the most as I was able to create structured yet flowing while still including shapes within the larger silhouette.
Shape 2
This shape seemed interesting when drawn flat but when i tried to work with it I found it bulky and difficult and not keeping to my brief. I did create an interesting shape but I felt it just didn't interest or make me want to keep experimenting like the other.
Shape 1, medium scale
This was my favourite size to work with as a new shape could be created while still including interesting curves within the shape.
Shape 1, small scale
Using the smaller shape made it difficult to create a full silhouette. It was easy to create interesting textures however as we were looking at shapes I liked working with larger pieces better.
Working with Paper
I chose two shapes, from my research, to cut out of paper and create new shapes on the mannequin. My first shape worked well but I wasn't happy with the second one so I pulled a third shape. I used 3 different sizes for each; large, small and a medium size.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Wings image
As it's difficult to photograph my own images of insects I had to rely on nature books and internet resources. My idea started from this image http://www.google.ie/imgres?q=insect+wings&start=42&num=10&um=1&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=466&addh=36&tbm=isch&tbnid=8YPR_1PhTvs8ZM:&imgrefurl=http://6legs2many.wordpress.com/techniques/spreading-insect-wings/&docid=lGcbiHLgkqhupM&imgurl=http://6legs2many.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/wing-spread-pinned-tiger-moth.jpg&w=2941&h=2206&ei=8Y5JT5rxHIOYhQe9mNyKDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=408&sig=108302672573427264922&sqi=2&page=4&tbnh=131&tbnw=175&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:42&tx=102&ty=27
Fashion Elective
For my fashion elective I was asked to research my interpretation of the words flimsy ,ethereal and fuzzy. I immediately thought of wings as a flimsy substance, and ethereal image and fuzzy in the way they create a blur when moving. Going on this idea I researched moth and insect wings and then took my shapes from the interesting patterns that can be found.
Friday, 10 February 2012
Finished pieces
I think that my finished 'clutter' prints would have turned out better had I put the drypoint over the monoprint rather than the other way around. With regards to the project on 'Defining Our Space' I would have liked to have had more time to add more detail as I was just getting used to the process.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Monday, 6 February 2012
My brief for print is to ''Defining our Space''. In this I have to look at aspects of my immediate environment so I chose the outdoors, primarily by the sea. To explore different shapes, textures and colours, I decided to focus on printing man made occupying objects against the natural environment. To show the division I have decided to display these prints as a broken up series which, when together, suggest both environmental features coming together.
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